. Software download

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This software is for the ELV/Huger/La Crosse Interfaces WS2000 (V2.x) and WS2500 (V3.x), the Huger/OSI Weather Stations WMR-918/928/968, WM-918 and/or DAVIS Weather Station VantagePro/VantageVUE (with Weatherlink file or online), TE923/Irox PRO-X (Mebus, Irox, Honeywell, Cresta, RST),
NEXUS (TFA), TN924 (Honeywell)
and is in the not registered Version limited . Without registration it read all data from the datalogger, but the recording is limited to 180 minutes.
The old ELV interfaces are supported without reservation by this software in the on-line operation.
For those, which would like to regard the meteorological data of the Huger Weatherstation only on-line, this can be done without limitation.

Detailed information to the software  State 2023-04-27 - V2.99.9.0
- V2.98.9.0 = Test version
(Important! Please read) -

Note only for registered users - State 2023-04-27 - V2.98.9.0
don't use below loadable version

The following files are itself-extracting, compressed files!
The help- and description are available in english!
The help- and description are not available in Italian/French/Dutch!

   32-Bit Test application program WsWin32.exe & WsWin32.hlp
       State 2023-04-27 - 10.2 MB
       - for WindowsNT4/2000/XP/Vista/Windows7/Windows8/Windows10/Windows11

   Description as Acrobat Reader file WsWin_en.PDF
       State 2021-05-24   - 4.53 MB     

   WsWinAprs       V1.4.1
       Program for transmitting of meteorological data
       to Citizen Weather Observer

   Example meteorological data files 2014  - 1561kB
       - for ELV Stations (not for WMR-918/WM-918)
   Example meteorological data files 2014  - 1674kB
       - only for WMR-918/WM-918
   Example meteorological data files 2014  - 5329kB
       - for DAVIS Vantage/TE923 and other

Italian user
Per favore scaricare la versione del software in lingua inglese o tedesca (ed il programma di aiuto che tu desideri) -programma di aiuto è solamente disponibile in entrambe le lingue- Ma prima di iniziare il programma, sostituisci il file esistente "wswin.set" con questo file disponibile da scaricare "wswin.set". Se tu hai già fatto iniziare il programma nella lingua sbagliata e ti piacerebbe che tutto sia corretto in lingua italiana, tu devi selezionare nel programma la lingua italiana - chiudi il programma - cancella o rinomina il file wswin.cfg e riapri il programma wswin32.exe nuovamente.
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  © Werner Krenn                   
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