Ecowitt/Froggit php-Script updateweatherstation.php

Fragen, Anregungen zur PC-Wetterstations-Software

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Ecowitt/Froggit php-Script updateweatherstation.php

Beitrag von Werner »

Habe dieses Script erweitert
entsprechend, was jetzt auch Ecowitt mit den neueren Firmware's und
Wunderground Protokol macht.
D.h. es werden jetzt an Wunderground und AWEKAS alle diese Sensor-Daten gesendet:

winddir - [0-360 instantaneous wind direction]
windspeedmph - [mph instantaneous wind speed]
windgustmph - [mph current wind gust, using software specific time period]
humidity - [% outdoor humidity 0-100%]
humidity2, humidity3 ... humidity9
dewptf- [F outdoor dewpoint F]
tempf - [F outdoor temperature]
temp2f, temp3f ... temp9f
rainin - [rain inches over the past hour)] -- the accumulated rainfall in the past 60 min
dailyrainin - [rain inches so far today in local time]
baromin - [barometric pressure inches]
soiltempf - [F soil temperature]
soiltemp2f, soiltemp3f ... soiltemp8f
soilmoisture - [%]
soilmoisture2, soilmoisture3 ... soilmoisture8
leafwetness - [%]
solarradiation - [W/m^2]
UV - [index]
indoortempf - [F indoor temperature F]
indoorhumidity - [% indoor humidity 0-100]
AqPM2.5 - PM2.5 mass - UG/M3
AqPM10 - PM10 mass - PM10 mass
softwaretype - [text] ie: WH2650A_V1.7.6

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