I have one question. I want to create custom.html, but i have problem with that. In internet-adjustments-common I have checked update customized Html files in recording mode and in tab current.html I have unchecked create symbolic weather file in recording mode.
In C:\Wswin\html I had only current.html at first. There is no file current_.txt. Then I have opened current.html in Notepad and rename it in custom and save as a txt document. (also in first line of documnet i have put <customfile>). But nothing happened after all. WsWin generate current.html automatically again and again.
I have done this but is still the same. I have copied current_en.txt from local C / Wswin into html folder. Then rename this file into custom.txt and used this code in first line. But Wswin still generate their own current file continuosly.